Thursday, April 11, 2013

What's Going On With My Life?

"Why do I feel so empty while I have such success"?  
The gulf between the outer appearances of my life and the inner experience of myself was huge, seemingly insurmountable.
 There was something missing, and I eventually discovered what "that" something was –  my Soul and Spirit!  I was failing to be authentic and true to myself; I was playing roles and putting on masks to get people to approve of me and to like me, and to show everyone how good I was.  Although in many respects I had been very successful in my life, I still couldn't hide the fact that the real and authentic me – my heart, my inspiration, creativity, love and passion – were largely absent in my daily life.

Because I was hiding behind masks and roles, I was getting and achieving a lot in my outer life, but I was receiving very little inner satisfaction and joy..  And the real inner me was starving.
 My roles had eventually stopped working for me; I was beginning to realize that they were covering a deep sense of my actually being a failure - a failure to what I was really sent to earth to do for my own personal evolvement.  I needed to slow down and attend to some of the broken or missing parts of my heart, mind, Soul and Spirit.  I’d done a good job in the past of moulding and distorting myself in the process of putting out a lie about myself over many decades.  I was bored and frustrated in my work, but I was caught in a materially comfortable prison.  So much of my identity was tied up in the outer things of my life, but I was petrified to change and let go of everything that I had accumulated through such hard work and struggle.


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