Thursday, September 29, 2011

South Africa - The Rainbow Nation of Opportunity

South Africa - The Rainbow Nation of Opportunity

What do you think of when you imagine a colourful rainbow?

You may think of a pot of gold or a beautiful group of friendly South African people at the end of the rainbow.

Whatever you imagine, is it priceless when you find it?

The pot of gold and the friendly people of South Africa are there to make your dreams come true. Recent surveys tell us that South Africans are one of the biggest Giving nations in the world - this says an enormous amount for the future prosperity of our rainbow nation. We have one of the strongest pillars in place for business growth for all caring South Africans that live in our urban and rural areas.

Business growth means business opportunities, which in turn means turning your dream of a pot of gold into reality. No place on Earth offers more opportunities for self-employment than South Africa - right now. Thanks initially to the one and only Father of our Nation, Nelson Mandela; we all have the potential of a dream that can now come true - each and every one of us.

Do you know that our flag is now the third most well-known flag in the world! We now have the opportunity to become proud of ourselves by playing our part in filling our pot with gold and thereby giving all other South Africans the opportunity to also find their rightful place in working for those of us who expand their small businesses and employ others.

South Africans are innovators, inventors and hard workers. There are just so many things that have, and are, occurring in South Africa that prove that point:
  • First heart transplant in the world.
  • Developed the technology to extract gold from ore.
  • Invented the DOLOS to protect coastal areas like harbour walls.
  • Largest producer of coal-fired electricity - our electricity is the cheapest in the world.
  • We have the most profitable game park in the world.
  • First to produced liquid fuel from coal.
  • Developed technology to operate a mine 4k under the earth.
  • Pratley Putty is typically one of our many inventions.
  • We win International awards every year and others have won Nobel prices.

There are many more that I am sure we all know about - each one shows us that South Africans can be inventive - all we need is to get to know ourselves - see who we really are and break out of our conditioning that holds us back. Let me show you how to find that idea living inside of your Super Consciousness - get started on your dream in South Africa.

Each of us were born to do certain very specific things - the first step in discovering what things you were born to do is to get to know yourself through examination of your past, analyzing your known strengths, weaknesses, and through various testing methods, discover what you do not know about yourself and uncover that idea you were born to do.

Each of us has two selves - a visible one that we can see and an invisible self that we can sense. Both play a role in assisting us to be who we were born to be. The visible self is easily conditioned by our past experience and teachings, the invisible self cannot be conditioned and is waiting for you to recognize it.
Our South African scientists can break an atom down past protons and neutrons and further until their most powerful microscope just sees light energy appearing and disappearing, then again appearing and again disappearing. From this light energy, atoms are formed into highly well-organized molecules. We can understand that this light energy brings with it incredible intelligence that, for example from a tiny spec in a woman's womb can develop into a thinking person with organs, arms and intelligence.
 Energy never ever dies - it just transforms itself into another substance.

How does that help us with earning a prosperous living?

It's simple; everything that you can see in this world, started with that invisible light energy creating a substance that was used in the creation of what you can see. As intelligent human beings everything starts with what we think about most of the time each day of our lives. If you are homeless, starving and without friends, you will think things, which continue creating those circumstances in your life; you will always be the victim. 

If a kind person starts to assist you with food and friendship, you now have a choice to make. You can either gratefully accept the new found abundance of food and friendship, or, you can moan and groan about other things that others have but you do not possess. This choice leads to creating your future. The more attention you place on a thought, the more you energize that thought. If you also feel passionate about your thought, you add extraordinary energy to making it happen in your future. But more about that in my course.

Yes, choices, attitudes and thoughts create your future from the invisible light of energy that is all around us in many different forms. This energy attracts the circumstances you inwardly and unknowingly create. You are the creator of your future - nothing outside of yourself has the power to control your success of your life, unless you allow it to and even encourage it - possibly without even realizing that you are doing it. You have the power to employ yourself and become successful. You have the power to control and grow your business. You have the power to develop your business by employing many other people.

But,you need a mentor, a person you can see as your friend and associate. A person that can assist you to see the power in yourself; who can help you uncover your inherent talents; who can teach you self-employment skills; who can assist you in starting out on your own; who is part of your business family.
Find that person if it's not me or contact me:
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