Friday, May 10, 2013

Life is set Up to Support Joy

Life is set up to support our joy, our love, our creativity and our passion, but most of us have been educated to believe the very opposite, that life demands sacrifice, struggle and suffering.

I have discovered our happiness; joy, freedom and success are often the very things we can be most frightened of.  We simply need to unlearn much of what we have been taught so that our Soul and Spirit can naturally shine through our mind and emotions.  This undoing is not always easy – it can be scary and painful at times, but we need to do it so that we can become freer.  The path of undoing requires courage and trust to face doubts and fears, as one still know the path, I have had, and still do have my ups and downs, and at times I have struggled with money, but the inner rewards are tremendous and the money always sorts itself out - quite amazing!

 This process of undoing and freeing ourselves is called healing by some, personal growth by others and self-acceptance or self-realization by others.  At the heart of each one of us is a beautiful being, made whole and in the image of our creator, with an abundance of love, creativity, happiness and peace.  Most of us with the help of our parents, school teachers, priests and some friends have helped to keep our Inner Entrepreneur asleep or have kept it hiding away in fear, but it is never lost, and the work we should be doing is lying dormant, just waiting to be let free.

When success is primary measured by external criteria, positions, possessions and our link to the world's mass consciousness, the split widens between the work we think we have to do to support the lifestyle we choose and wherever our heart and Inner Entrepreneur really is – whatever we truly enjoy and feel inspired by.

If our world view is one of scarcity and lack, we will feel driven to constantly prove ourselves and justify ourselves, pitching against one another, competing to survive…Not an inspiring picture.

There is a new world of work waiting...
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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Free Yourself

Life is set up to support our joy, our love, our creativity and our passion, but most of us have been educated to believe the very opposite, that life demands sacrifice, struggle and suffering.

I have discovered our happiness; joy, freedom and success are often the very things we can be most frightened of.  We simply need to unlearn much of what we have been taught so that our Inner Entrepreneur and Spirit can naturally shine through our mind and emotions.  This undoing is not always easy – it can be scary and painful at times, but we need to do it so that we can become freer.  The path of undoing requires courage and trust to face doubts and fears, as one still know the path, I have had, and still do have my ups and downs, and at times I have struggled with money, but the inner rewards are tremendous and the money always sorts itself out - quite amazing!

 This process of undoing and freeing ourselves is called healing by some, personal growth by others and self-acceptance or self-realization by others.  At the heart of each one of us is a beautiful being, made whole and in the image of our creator, with an abundance of love, creativity, happiness and peace.  Most of us with the help of our parents, school teachers, priests and some friends have helped to keep our Inner Entrepreneur asleep or have kept it hiding away in fear, but it is never lost, and the work we should be doing is lying dormant, just waiting to be let free.

When success is primary measured by external criteria, positions, possessions and our link to the world's mass consciousness, the split widens between the work we think we have to do to support the lifestyle we choose and wherever our heart and Inner Entrepreneur really is – whatever we truly enjoy and feel inspired by.

If our world view is one of scarcity and lack, we will feel driven to constantly prove ourselves and justify ourselves, pitching against one another, competing to survive…Not an inspiring picture.

There is a new world of work waiting...

Within the week I'll be posting and discussing this new world of work and then more every month there-after.

Join my Blog.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Uncover Your Career Path.


 The intuitive self has to resort to extreme measures in order to communicate because it can’t talk.  Not in the usual way, at any rate.  The language centre of your brain, the part that processes, analyses, and communicates verbally, is overwhelmingly dominated by the logical self – the left-brain. In one sense this is good otherwise you would not get through your day.

 But this is not to say that the intuitive self never uses words.  It does.  But when it speaks, you – that is, your logical self – are usually surprised by what it says.  Creative writers and others who express their intuitive selves through language often describe the process as occurring in a kind of dream state, during which they’re not fully conscious of the words they’re about to use.  The logical self does its best to interfere with this process.  It peers over the poet’s shoulder, making comments like “Not exactly Shakespeare, are we? Or “What will your mother think? Or “‘Darkness visible? What the hell does that mean, ‘darkness visible’?”  This IS why so many writers drink excessively!!

 Even for us normal people who are not artistic, the intuitive self will occasionally verbalize its opinions.  The classic Freudian slip is good example:  The speaker says what he means, but did not want to, without even realizing it.  Other verbal cues are more direct, like the comment that “popped out like a burp “during a person’s interview.  Something similar happened to a friend, Bruce, with much happier results.  After a comfortable but unspectacular first date, Bruce gave his companion a chaste peck on the cheek, then heard himself say, “Goodbye, Terry I love you.”  He was absolutely horrified.  “I thought I would explode like the Hindenburg from sheer embarrassment,” he told me I barely knew her!”  Apparently, Bruce’s intuitive self was on the right track, because he and Terry have been happily married for years. Now, what has your Intuitive self been saying to you all your life about your job, career or starting your own business?
Your intuition-self knows what you need to do to be happy and flourishing but your logical-self wants the power and does not want interference from other potential threats to its power base.

 The fascinating thing about incidents and “light-Bulb” moments are that although the conscious, verbal self is completely blindsided, the words that come out of your sub-conscious are true in the deepest real sense.  Pay attention if your own words begin to surprise you.  You probably don’t have brain damage or multiple-personality disorder; on the contrary, you’re getting crucial information from your real self to take you onto your new career path.

 Most intuitive-self guidance, however, isn't so obvious.  Because it takes enormous energy to shove the logical self out of its command centre in the rational, verbal part of your brain, the intuitive self usually “speaks” through parts of your being that aren't under conscious control.  These are commanded by the deeper, more primary layers of the brain, the parts that manage your emotional responses and basic body-maintenance functions like aspiration, sleep and waking, sexual desire and higher communications with your Soul through your sub-conscious and Spirit energy. That’s one of the reasons I developed my TLC Online Workshop. I’ve developed ways of occupying the logical-self while we encourage the Intuitive self to communicate more easily. I give the logical-self credit for doing what it does well and I ensure it also has work to do in the TLC Workshop.

 When you leave your true path and start heading away from your intended life path, your intuitive self will use any or all of its skills and tools to stop you.  If your logical self won’t pay attention to mild warnings, the intuitive self has to get more and more dramatic.  As a last resort, your core self will simply hijack the controls you use to direct your own behaviour or immune system.  You may be oblivious to your own discontent until the very moment you find yourself weeping at a business luncheon, punching your child’s first-grade teacher or crying in a hilariously funny movie.  Fortunately, you can avoid such unpleasant situations if you learn just one “word” in your intuitive self’s nonverbal vocab:  NO. It took me most of my life to realize and act on this important. NO.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What's Going On With My Life?

"Why do I feel so empty while I have such success"?  
The gulf between the outer appearances of my life and the inner experience of myself was huge, seemingly insurmountable.
 There was something missing, and I eventually discovered what "that" something was –  my Soul and Spirit!  I was failing to be authentic and true to myself; I was playing roles and putting on masks to get people to approve of me and to like me, and to show everyone how good I was.  Although in many respects I had been very successful in my life, I still couldn't hide the fact that the real and authentic me – my heart, my inspiration, creativity, love and passion – were largely absent in my daily life.

Because I was hiding behind masks and roles, I was getting and achieving a lot in my outer life, but I was receiving very little inner satisfaction and joy..  And the real inner me was starving.
 My roles had eventually stopped working for me; I was beginning to realize that they were covering a deep sense of my actually being a failure - a failure to what I was really sent to earth to do for my own personal evolvement.  I needed to slow down and attend to some of the broken or missing parts of my heart, mind, Soul and Spirit.  I’d done a good job in the past of moulding and distorting myself in the process of putting out a lie about myself over many decades.  I was bored and frustrated in my work, but I was caught in a materially comfortable prison.  So much of my identity was tied up in the outer things of my life, but I was petrified to change and let go of everything that I had accumulated through such hard work and struggle.


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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Communicate with your Intuitive-self.


 The intuitive self has to resort to extreme measures in order to communicate because it can’t talk.  Not in the usual way, at any rate.  The language centre of your brain, the part that processes, analyses, and communicates verbally, is overwhelmingly dominated by the logical self – the left-brain. In one sense this is good otherwise you would not get through your day.

 But this is not to say that the intuitive self never uses words.  It does.  But when it speaks, you – that is, your logical self – are usually surprised by what it says.  Creative writers and others who express their intuitive selves through language often describe the process as occurring in a kind of dream state, during which they’re not fully conscious of the words they’re about to use.  The logical self does its best to interfere with this process.  It peers over the poet’s shoulder, making comments like “Not exactly Shakespeare, are we? Or “What will your mother think? Or “‘Darkness visible? What the hell does that mean, ‘darkness visible’?”  This IS why so many writers drink excessively!!

 Even for us normal people who are not artistic, the intuitive self will occasionally verbalize its opinions.  The classic Freudian slip is good example:  The speaker says what he means, but did not want to, without even realizing it.  Other verbal cues are more direct, like the comment that “popped out like a burp “during a person’s interview.  Something similar happened to a friend, Bruce, with much happier results.  After a comfortable but unspectacular first date, Bruce gave his companion a chaste peck on the cheek, then heard himself say, “Goodbye, Terry I love you.”  He was absolutely horrified.  “I thought I would explode like the Hindenburg from sheer embarrassment,” he told me I barely knew her!”  Apparently, Bruce’s intuitive self was on the right track, because he and Terry have been happily married for years. Now, what has your Intuitive self been saying to you all your life about your job, career or starting your own business?

Your intuition-self knows what you need to do to be happy and flourishing but your logical-self wants the power and does not want interference from other potential threats to its power base.
 The fascinating thing about incidents and “light-Bulb” moments are that although the conscious, verbal self is completely blindsided, the words that come out of your sub-conscious are true in the deepest real sense.  Pay attention if your own words begin to surprise you.  You probably don’t have brain damage or multiple-personality disorder; on the contrary, you’re getting crucial information from your real self to take you onto your new career path.

 Most intuitive-self guidance, however, isn't so obvious.  Because it takes enormous energy to shove the logical self out of its command centre in the rational, verbal part of your brain, the intuitive self usually “speaks” through parts of your being that aren't under conscious control.  These are commanded by the deeper, more primary layers of the brain, the parts that manage your emotional responses and basic body-maintenance functions like aspiration, sleep and waking, sexual desire and higher communications with your Soul through your sub-conscious and Spirit energy. That’s one of the reasons I developed my TLC Online Workshop. I've developed ways of occupying the logical-self while we encourage the Intuitive self to communicate more easily. I give the logical-self credit for doing what it does well and I ensure it also has work to do in the TLC Workshop.

 When you leave your real path and start heading away from your intended life path, your intuitive self will use any or all of its skills and tools to stop you.  If your logical self won’t pay attention to mild warnings, the intuitive self has to get more and more dramatic.  As a last resort, your core self will simply hijack the controls you use to direct your own behaviour or immune system.  You may be oblivious to your own discontent until the very moment you find yourself weeping at a business luncheon, punching your child’s first-grade teacher or crying in a hilariously funny movie.  Fortunately, you can avoid such unpleasant situations if you learn just one “word” in your intuitive self’s nonverbal vocab:  NO. It took me most of my life to realize and act on this important lesson. NO. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Making Mega Bucks With Intuition

 In today’s economic climate, your intuitive self is a much more reliable moneymaker than your logical self.
The best way to make your fortune in today’s economic climate is to master the spontaneous, creative energy of the intuitive self.

What Used to Succeed in Business                        What Succeeds Now in Business
Enormous size
Hierarchically controlled Information
Insistence on rational logic
Reliance on tried-and-true methods
Cultural conformity
Lean structure
Open communication
Tolerance for incongruity
Openness to new ideas
Cultural diversity

We are in the process of moving from a logical-self environment to one where the intuitive self is much better equipped to succeed.  This transformation is not yet complete, but it’s accelerating all the time. We need to help it. How?

By finding what you love best, by finding what you were born to do, by taking your true path to your own career, you put yourself in harmony with today’s increasingly changeable economic environment and add value to every job in ways that are absolutely unique. 
Your skills and passions will stay with you when corporate loyalty fades, or technology makes your job obsolete, or an opportunity that never existed before suddenly crosses your path when you find yourself unemployed. 

The predictable logical self doesn't have a clue about what to do in situations like these – but the creative and unorthodox intuitive self does.  In an economy where it’s getting harder and harder to find organizations that will chart a lifetime course for your career, finding your inner navigational system is not only personally gratifying – it’s the best chance you have of achieving financial security.

Michael Plumstead